Starfleet Database: Series
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Et in Arcadia Ego, Part II

Translated: Aj ja som bol v Arkadii, časť II

Label: S01E10

Category: PIC - Picard

Premiere: 26.03.2020

Dubbing: No

Year: 2399

Stardate: Unknown

in PIC 10 of 30

in Star Trek 778 of 918


The Synths are building a transmitter at Coppelius Station, in order to summon an intergalactic synthetic civilization that would supposedly come to eradicate all organic life in the galaxy. Narek proceeds to the Borg cube where he meets with his sister and receives explosives to destroy the transmitter. When he leaves, Elnor follows him. On La Sirena, Raffi and Rios manage to repair the intermix chamber of the ship with the device "that fixes things" given to them by Saga. Narek shows up and tries to convince them to join him and blow up the transmitter. Raffi attempts in vain to contact Picard, which supports Narek's claim. Even though Elnor remains mistrustful, they head for Coppelius Station, with Narek as a "prisoner" and a grenade disguised as a football. In the meantime, Jurati has freed Picard, and they return to La Sirena. Soong discovers in Saga's memories that Sutra killed Saga, with inadvertent help of Narek. Picard manages to take off with La Sirena but he has no idea how to delay the Romulan fleet until Starfleet arrives. On the Borg cube, Narissa has detected and targeted La Sirena, but Seven of Nine fights and eventually kills her, thereby taking revenge for Hugh. The transmitter is ready to be activated when the angry Soong steps forward and deactivates Sutra. Soji takes over the task. Rios prepares the grenade in his football to destroy the beacon, but Soji catches it and hurls it away. The "orchids" that attack the Romulan fleet in orbit buy Picard some time. Jurati comes up with the idea to use the "thing" to project multiple copies of La Sirena to distract the Romulans. The Romulans begin to fire on the holograms. When the real ship is hit as well, the holoemitter fails. Just as Oh gives the order to resume the attack on Coppelius Station, Riker appears with a fleet of Starfleet vessels and demands that the Romulans stand down. When his neurological symptoms worsen, Picard asks Jurati to give him an injection that allows him to continue to talk to Soji, although it will kill him. He begs Soji to make a choice because that's what being alive is about, and she finally shuts down the transmitter just as some machine is about to come through a wormhole. Picard is beamed down to the surface of Coppelius where he dies. While Rios, Seven, Elnor and Raffi are mourning his death, Picard finds himself in what seems like the afterlife where he meets Data. It is actually a quantum reconstruction created by Maddox from the android's memories. Picard is in this place because his consciousness too is on a transfer. When Picard is ready to be revived, Data asks him a final favor: to shut down his simulation. Picard wakes up in a precise reconstruction of his old body, based on the golem that Soong was building and that he adapted with the help of Jurati. He returns to La Sirena together with Soji, Jurati, Seven, Raffi, Rios and Elnor.

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