Starfleet Database: Series
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Such Sweet Sorrow, part II

Translated: Taký sladký smútok, časť II

Label: S02E14

Category: DSC - Discovery

Premiere: 18.04.2019

Dubbing: No

Year: 2257

Stardate: 1201.7

in DSC 29 of 65

in Star Trek 762 of 918


As the Section 31 fleet surrounds the two ships, the plan is to send Burnham in the Red Angel suit to open a wormhole for the Discovery to travel to the future. Drones and shuttles are deployed to ensure a safe passage, but Leland's ships too release drones, with what seems impenetrable shields. Po steals a shuttle and devises a way to disable the enemy drones. As the construction of the suit is completed, the crew rush to get it to the shuttlebay, but Stamets is severely hurt by a blast that hits the ship on the way. Hugh Culber is still on the Discovery, against Stamets's expectations, and induces a coma to save his friend. Spock takes a shuttle to guide Burnham through the wormhole, but the suit does not allow to enter a destination in the future for the jump. Spock recognizes that Michael first has to travel to the past to create the five already known signals. In the meantime, Leland has boarded the Discovery, searching for the Sphere data. Georgiou and Nhan try to stop him, but their fight seems to be in vain. Chancellor L'Rell arrives in support of the Discovery, together with a fleet of Ba'ul fighters from Kaminar, one of which is piloted by Siranna, Saru's sister. A torpedo gets stuck in the hull of the Enterprise. Admiral Cornwell and Number One try to disable it, but it is set to explode in 15 minutes. The only way to prevent the Enterprise from destruction is to pull down the blast door from the inside. When Pike arrives, Admiral Cornwell says that he has a different destiny and volunteers to stay with the torpedo when it goes off. After performing the five jumps, Michael Burnham is ready to enter the wormhole, but the Discovery would be unable to get precise enough sensor data from the inside to follow. So she creates a sixth signal as a beacon for the ship. Spock can't follow her because his shuttle's engines are damaged, and so she agrees to send a seventh signal from the other side of the wormhole, as a sign of her safe arrival. Georgiou traps Leland in the spore cube and magnetizes it, thereby destroying the nanobots in his body and ultimately Control. The Section 31 ships are now dead in the water and can be destroyed. Burnham and the Discovery enter the wormhole, leaving the Enterprise with Pike and Spock, the Klingons and Tyler, the Ba'ul and Po behind in the 23rd century. At Starfleet Command in San Francisco, Pike and his crew as well as Tyler testify that the Discovery was destroyed. Spock recommends to delete all records of the events related to Control, to prevent it from ever happening again. 124 days later, the Enterprise receives the seventh signal, indicating that the Discovery is safe.

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