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Translated: Vyberte si žiť

Label: S04E03

Category: DSC - Discovery

Premiere: 02.12.2021

Dubbing: No

Year: 3190

Stardate: Unknown

in DSC 45 of 65

in Star Trek 818 of 918


A Qovat Milat team raids the USS Credence, stealing a supply of dilithium and killing an officer. The responsible person is identified as J'Vini and can be located thanks to a tracker in the dilithium. Gabrielle Burnham insists on this being an internal Qovat Milat affair. As she is in negotiations with Ni'Var, President Rillak agrees to a joint mission of Starfleet and Qovat Milat. In sickbay, Dr. Culber, with support from Guardian Xi from Trill, transfers the consciousness of Gray to a synthetic host body. Gray is now gone from Adira's mind but the new host has not yet regained consciousness. As the team consisting of Michael Burnham, Tilly, Gabrielle Burnham and another Qovat Milat sister approaches the coordinates of the tracker, Gabrielle reveals to her daughter that J'Vini is the one who saved her when she arrived in the 32nd century, and that she owes her everything. Upon arrival, they are immediately attacked, and warned by J'vini not to interfere. A cavity inside a moon turns out to be a kind of mausoleum. Further investigation reveals that the whole moon is actually a starship. In order to lure J'Vini out of her hiding place, Tilly deactivates the engines that are powered with the stolen dilithium. J'Vini appears and puts her sword on Gabrielle Burnham's throat. Michael has begun to understand that the corpses inside the mausoleum are actually bodies in cryostasis, and that the moon was going to transport them to the very planet the moon is orbiting now. J'Vini says she received a telepathic message from the moon, encountered grave robbers and vowed to keep further harm away from the civilization, the Abronians. Michael argues that something must have gone wrong and that the cryosleep should have ended by now. While Tilly works on powering up the ship again, Michael repairs the system controlling the chambers. J'Vini acknowledges that her mission has been completed and agrees to be arrested. The Abronians wake up from their sleep and begin to colonize their new homeworld. Back at Federation Headquarters, the decision is to extradite J'Vini to Ni'Var for diplomatic reasons, with a good chance that her crimes will remain unpunished, much to Burnham's chagrin. In the meantime, Stamets and Book have traveled to Ni'Var to verify the theory that the phenomenon now nicknamed dark matter anomaly (DMA) is a primordial wormhole, which would require tachyons to be present. The scientists of Ni'Var don't find any evidence of tachyons in Stamets's data, however. T'Rina suggests a mind meld with Book, the only eyewitness of the catastrophe. The mind meld does not reveal Cherenkov radiation in Book's memory either, which would occur in the presence of tachyons. But the return to the moment when he last saw Leto helps Book cope with the loss. On the Discovery, Gray finally wakes up in his new host body.

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